Shri Bandi Sanjay Kumar is currently a Member of Parliament (MP) from the Karimanagar Lok Sabha Constituency. He is a formidable leader in the political landscape of Telangana, especially in Karimnagar constituency. Sanjay embodies unwavering dedication and tireless commitment to the ideals of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). From his formative years as an RSS Swayam Sevak, his journey has been marked by a steadfast allegiance to the cause of Hindutva and the BJP’s vision for India. Having traversed various roles within the ABVP – from Town Convenor to the State Executive Member – Bandi Sanjay has left an indelible imprint on the fabric of student activism in Telangana. Bandi Sanjay’s illustrious career extends beyond the corridors of municipal corporation. His tenure as a Director of the Karimnagar Co-operative Urban Bank underscores his commitment to uplifting the socio-economic strata of society. His tenure as a Corporator for the then 48th Division of Karimnagar Municipal Corporation showcased his prowess in local governance, advocating for the marginalized and championing grassroots initiatives. Beyond municipal boundaries, Bandi Sanjay Kumar’s influence extended to the corridors of power in Delhi, where his role as Election canvassing In-Charge during pivotal moments in BJP’s history, including the formation of the government under former Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s leadership, showcased his strategic prowess and organizational acumen for the BJP.

Undeterred by adversity, Bandi Sanjay has fearlessly confronted challenges, whether it be agitating for the rights of Hindus or championing the cause of the marginalized. His activism is evidenced by his imprisonment on multiple occasions. These incidents stand as a testament to his unyielding resolve in the face of adversity and protecting people’s rights.

Bandi Sanjay Kumar’s influence and hard work, combined with fierce oratory is a testament to the transformative power of grassroots activism and unwavering dedication to the principles of Hindutva and the BJP. As he continues to chart new frontiers in political activism as an MP and a luminary in Telangana, his legacy as a stalwart of the BJP in Karimnagar remains unparalleled.

Journey Through The Years: Facing The Odds & Learning From The Triumphs

1982 1982
1984 1984
1986 1986
1990 1990
1994 1994
2005 2005
2014 2014
2019 2019


Dedicated RSS Swayam Sevak since the age of 12, Held several roles within the ABVP, including Town Convenor, Town Vice-President, and State Executive Member.


His entry into the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) marked the beginning of his activism days, where he tirelessly fought for student rights and facilitated free coaching for young professionals aspiring for jobs. His unwavering dedication to the cause led to several incarcerations, earning him recognition within the organization.


Joining the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM), I continued my mission for youth empowerment, climbing the ladder from local to national leadership roles, catching the eye of party leaders, and earning greate responsibilities


Taking part in BJP’s ‘Suraaj Ratha Yatra’ led by Shri L.K. Advani, I demonstrated my dedication to the party’s vision of governance and grassroots involvement.


As Director of the Karimnagar Co-operative Urban Bank, I leveraged my role to provide loans to the underprivileged, embodying our party’s commitment to socioeconomic empowerment.


Becoming Corporator for the 48th division of Karimnagar Municipal Corporation kickstarted my journey in local governance, leading initiatives to make it a model constituency for development.


Despite electoral challenges, my commitment to serving the people of Karimnagar never wavered, earning their trust and admiration through unwavering edication.


My overwhelming win in the Karimnagar Parliamentary Constituency confirmed my effectiveness as a people’s representative, laying the foundation for my mpactful tenure as an MP from 2019 to 2024.

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Chaitanyapuri, Karimnagar, Telangana 505001

© Bandi Sanjay Kumar
Created By Kumar Yadav
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